Item №: SCP-6000
Item Class: N/A
Special Containment Procedures: Research into the anomalous properties of SCP-6000 has been postponed indefinitely to ensure its containment.
Containment Update 06/22/2020: Due to the uncontrollable growth of SCP-6000, the BROKEN MASQUERADE Protocol has been enabled, no further containment of the object is required.
Containment Update 09/07/2041: SCP-6000 is self-confined, further containment procedures are believed unnecessary; though in view of its potential danger, the proposal to reclassify SCP-6000 to Safe was rejected.
Description: SCP-6000 is a memetic CLASS VIII cognitohazardous phenomenon spreading on the earth. Anomalous properties of the item include:
- 不同于一般的模因学异常,项目总在特定地区爆发性传播,且一次爆发的界限为人为划定的行政区界。Different from the usual memetic anomalies, SCP-6000 always spreads explosively in specific areas and the boundaries of each spread are artificially defined administrative boundaries.
- 被项目效应所影响者将对某特定概念产生记忆障碍,此类受影响概念均以human society为基准。Personnels affected by the effects of the item will develop a memory impairment about a particular concept, which is based on human society.
- 人员离开地球后,SCP-6000的效应将大幅度减弱甚至消失。The effects of SCP-6000 will be significantly reduced or even disappear after the personnel leave the Earth.
Anomalous properties that the item does not have include:
- 项目推测因某种触媒引发,不会自然产生。The effects of SCP-6000 is presumed to be triggered by catalyst, do not occur naturally.
- 尽管项目的异常效应作用于人类记忆,但不会影响对现实的主观判断能力。Though the effects of the item act on human memory, they do not affect the ability of humans to make subjective judgments about reality.
Addendum I: Project STELLARIS
Memetics Division进行了针对SCP-6000的调查。我们发现异常影响区域集中于地球本身,因此,空间开发与太阳系外开发已被提上议程。由于系外殖民计划可以预料到将引发以地球至上主义为核心的大范围抵触,Project STELLARIS 旨在专门培养一支先锋队伍进行初步探索。The Memetics Division conducted an investigation for SCP-6000. We found that the area of anomalous impact is concentrated on Earth itself, and as a result, space development and extrasolar development are on the agenda. As exoplanetary colonisation plans can be expected to provoke widespread resistance centred on Earth supremacism, Project STELLARIS aims to train a pioneering team specifically for initial exploration.
提案建立的新部门:Proposal to create a new division: The Extrasolar Activities Division.
Implementation Details:
Addendum II: Project NAIHE
Project STELLARIS 初步完成后,基金会认为有必要进一步推动太阳系外探索任务。考虑到其他异常影响的扩散速度,在SCP-6000于全球范围内爆发前加以[DATA EXPUNGED]被认为是必要的。After the initial completion of Project STELLARIS, the Foundation saw the need to further advance the extrasolar exploration mission. Considering the rate of spread of other anomalies, it is considered necessary to [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-6000 before it spreads globally.
Where there are people, there is the home.
Implementation Details:
Addendum III: A copy of inscription extracted from [DATA EXPUNGED].